
    Day 2: Sessions 1A & 1B

    Day 2: Session 1A - Inclusive & Accessible Library Services

    Day 2: Session 1A - Inclusive & Accessible Library Services

    Inclusive and Accessible Library Services enable everyone in your community to benefit from, participate in and enjoy the programs, services and employment opportunities you have to offer. This program will help to define what it means to be an inclusive and accessible environment to people with disabilities and other access and functional needs. The program is for all levels of library administration and staff. Valerie Lewis is the Administrator of Outreach Services for the Suffolk Cooperative Library System. In this role, Ms. Lewis serves as the Outreach and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) liaison to the 56 public libraries in Suffolk County, NY. Ms. Lewis works closely with a wide variety of community organizations, county agencies and health care facilities in an effort to provide current and relevant resources to the public libraries. Ms. Lewis is the Lead for the Suffolk County FEMA Core Advisory Group for People with Disabilities and other Access and Functional Needs, and works with the county’s emergency services and two jails to ensure inclusion of people with disabilities in the preparedness and recovery process, and to enhance access to services for inmates with disabilities.

    Day 2: Session 1B - How to Do a Diversity Audit

    Day 2: Session 1B - How to Do a Diversity Audit

    In an effort to make our collections as diverse as our communities, one tool we can use is a diversity audit. Learn how to gather concrete data from your collection and compare that to demographic data in your community. Use what you learn from a diversity audit to inform collection development decisions. Lyndsie Guy is the STLS Resource Consultant. Melanie Miller is a graduate of both Alfred State College and Empire State College. She is currently the Director of the Alfred Box of Books Library. She is curious about all things space and science, loves plants and podcasts, and when not reading, you can find her watching The Office.

      Day 2: Sessions 2A & 2B

      Day 2: Session 2A - Safe Zone Training

      Day 2: Session 2A - Safe Zone Training

      Would you like to provide a more welcoming & inclusive space at your library for LGBTQ+ community members? In this session you’ll learn more about: -Tips on Being an Ally -LGBTQ+ Vocab & Terminology -Mapping out Gender vs Sexuality -Steps to the Coming Out Model -Communicating Respectfully -Local LGBTQ Resources! Family Counseling Service of the Finger Lakes (FCSFL), incorporated in 1962 as a non-profit single service provider of general counseling serving children, individuals and families. Today, FCSFL has multiple programs including Domestic Violence, Child Sexual Abuse Assessment and Treatment, Trauma Therapy and General Counseling, LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, transgender, queer/questioning) Support and Advocacy, Employee Assistance, Hispanic Bilingual Family Services and Domestic Violence Accountability. The Center of the Finger Lakes, a program of FCSFL as of 2016, is the only provider of LGBTQ services within the counties served.

      Safe Zone Training Resources

        Safe Zone Training Resources

        Day 2: Session 2B - Wellness Indicators for Your Community: Exploring KWIC (Kids Well-being Indicators Clearinghouse)

        Day 2: Session 2B - Wellness Indicators for Your Community: Exploring KWIC (Kids Well-being Indicators Clearinghouse)

        In 2003, the Council launched KWIC, an interactive website that advances the NYS Touchstones/KIDS COUNT data dissemination process by expanding access to New York State children's health, education and well-being data; providing more current data; expanding the number of indicators presented; providing access to other data resources; allowing users to chart, graph and map data; and giving users the ability to tailor data to fit their needs. KWIC (, a one-stop data warehouse with data from numerous Council member agencies. KWIC has been redesigned with enhanced features and functionality over the past almost 20 years. This webinar will explore this user-friendly, data-rich resource.
